The Lofte Community Theatre will be hosting Branson on the Road May 2 & 3 at 7:30 pm and May 4 at 2:00 pm. Debbie Horton, Donnie Wright and Brian Capps bring their special blend of Country, Gospel and down-home humor to Nebraska.
The Lofte Community Theatre in Manley will also be holding auditions for its summer musical, The Sound of Music. This is the classic love story of a novitiate nun sent by her Mother Superior to work as governess to seven children in 1930s Austria. Soon Maria and the children's father, the Captain, fall in love against the backdrop of the Third Reich and the onset of World War II. All auditions will take place at the Lofte. Children ages 7-15 will audition on Monday, April 28th at 7pm. Auditions for all other actors, ages 16 and up will be held on April 29th and 30th at 7pm. Everyone should bring a prepared solo of no more than one minute. Accompanist provided. Actors will also perform cold readings from the script. Kevin Colbert will direct. Emily Raasch will be musical director. For questions or driving directions, please call the Lofte at 402-234-2553 or visit their website, www.Lofte.com .
Pops Place is now accepting registrations for its summer program. Registrations are due May 21st and the cost is $25 for new students and $10 for returning students. The program runs June 16th-July 18th from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekdays.
The Plattsmouth Masonic Home will be holding a Garden Party Fundraiser June 7, 2008 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The festivities will include hors-d’oeuvres, a silent Auction and a plant sale. All the money raised will go towards expanding the apartments in the 1924 wing.
The Cass County Museum is hosting a Living History Day May 3rd, 2008 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Activities include demonstrations in weaving, soap making, rope making, blacksmithing, and tours of historic Main Street. For additional information, contact the museum at 296-4770.
We would like to congratulate the Plattsmouth Journal for winning nine Nebraska Press Association award at the NPA Better Newspaper Contest.
The Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce is holding their monthly Business Luncheon on Thursday, May 22, 2008 12:00 pm in the Community Room at Plattsmouth State Bank. Mom’s Café will be catering the lunch and there will be a presentation by Andy Alexander entitled “Selling to the Government.” Cost is $5 and no reservations are necessary.
The Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce will be holding their 12th Annual Chamber Golf Tournament May 30th at Bay Hills Golf Course. More details to be forthcoming soon.
Bay Hills Golf Course is hosting Trivia Night every Thursday at 7:00 pm at the club house. The event is open to the public. Please call 298-8191 for more information.
The Church of the Holy Spirit will be holding their annual dinner benefit and silent auction May 3, 2008. The benefit is to raise $100,000 for the St. John the Baptist School. The benefit will begin at 4:00 pm with a special mass at the church and the silent auction will begin at 5:15 pm.
The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #20 would like to announce the lodges first “Golf Scramble” May 9th at Bay Hills Golf Course. The entry fee is $200 per team. Contact Deputy Doug Durban at 297-0535 for more information.
The Plattsmouth Early Childhood Center located at 902 Main Street is in the process of taking applications for the upcoming preschool year. They have a variety of programs available in our center for young children in Plattsmouth. Call the office at 296-5250 to request and application from to be mailed or stop by the center to pick one up. We will be happy to show you the facilities and the options available. Apply now while openings exist.
The Plattsmouth Public Library will be accepting book donations for their book sale, which will run May 29th through June 1st. The Library does not accept Reader’s Digest condensed books, textbooks, or magazines but will accept all others.
The First Presbyterian Church in Plattsmouth will celebrate their 150th anniversary beginning May 4, 2008 with a public worship service and tours of the church from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Pastor Ronald Van Heukelon will deliver the worship service with the theme “Planted, Watered, Growing: 150 Years of Praise.”
An Xbox360 Tournament will be held at the Plattsmouth Public Library on Saturday May 17, 2008. The games featured include: Halo 3, Guitar Hero III, Call of Duty 3, Crimson Skies and many more. The tournament will start at 10:00 a.m. and be completed when the winner is crowned. The cost is only five dollars, which includes lunch. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required, so sign up today!
USDA Rural Development Representative Judy James will be at the Plattsmouth Public Library from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm every Thursday as part of the 502 Direct Home Loan Program. The purpose of the program is to provide low income people the opportunity to own adequate, modest, decent, safe and sanitary homes in rural areas. The loans are to acquire build rehabilitate, improve or relocate dwellings and provide adequate water and waste disposal systems. Call Judy at 402-423-9683 Ext. 4 for more information or to setup and appointment.
The Plattsmouth Library Book Club will meet May 3rd at 10:00 am. They will be discussing the book The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. New members are always welcome even if you have not read the current selection. The Book Club will also have a visit from Author Cyndi Salzmann June 7th, so mark your calendar.
Aaron James Bookseller will be holding a book signing for Thomas Flagel’s New Book The History Buff’s Guide to the Presidents on May 3, 2008 from 12:00 pm to 3:00pm.
The Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce is selling Chamber Bucks at the Chamber office. Chamber Bucks can be used just like legal tender in the city of Plattsmouth, come in $5 increments, and make great birthday, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gifts. Contact the Chamber at 402-296-6021 for more information.
School Events:
Time |
3:45PM |
30-Apr |
Boys Varsity Soccer - B-2 District Tournament @ Platteview |
Girls Varsity Soccer - B-2 District Tournament @ Waverly |
Boys Soccer Practice/ Old Blue Devil |
Time |
3:30 |
4:00 |
1-May |
Boys Varsity Soccer - B-2 District Tournament @ Platteview |
Girls Varsity Soccer - B-2 District Tournament @ Waverly |
Boys/Girls Varsity Track & Field - EMC Meet @Blair |
Boys JV/ Varsity Golf - Glenwood/ Nebraska City Triangular |
Time |
8:30AM |
7:00PM |
5-May |
Boys JV/ Varsity Golf - Waverly Invitational @ Crooked Creek |
High School Band Concert |
Time |
7-May |
Girls Varsity Soccer - State Tournament |
Time |
10:00AM |
6:00PM |
7:00PM |
8-May |
Boys/Girls Varsity Track & Field - District Meet @Plattsmouth |
STUCO Clean Up |
6th Grade Music/ Auditorium |
Time |
4:15PM |
9-May |
Boys Varsity Soccer - State Tournament |
Boys JV/ Varsity Golf @ Platteview High School |
Time |
10-May |
Girls Varsity Soccer - State Tournament |
Boys Varsity Soccer - State Tournament |
Time |
2:00PM |
11-May |
Graduation |
Time |
9:00AM |
3:45PM |
7:00PM |
12-May |
Girls Varsity Soccer - State Tournament |
Boys JV/ Varsity Golf - Districts @TBA |
Boys Soccer Practice/ Old Blue Devil |
Performing Arts Awards/ Auditorium & Common |
Time |
7:00PM |
13-May |
Boys Varsity Soccer - State Tournment |
7-8 Band/ Auditorium |
Time |
14-May |
EMC Executive Council Meeting |
Time |
7:00PM |
15-May |
8th Grade Band/ Auditorium |
Time |
9:00AM |
16-May |
Boys/Girls Varsity Track & Field - State Meet @Omaha Burke |
Time |
9:00AM |
17-May |
Boys/Girls Varsity Track & Field - State Meet @Omaha Burke |
Time |
6:00PM |
19-May |
Middle School Football Camp |
Time |
6:00PM |
7:00PM |
20-May |
Middle School Football Camp |
Jazz/ ShowChoir/ Auditorium |
Time |
6:00PM |
21-May |
Middle School Football Camp |
Time |
6:00PM |
22-May |
Middle School Football Camp |
Time |
8:00AM |
23-May |
Dr. Larson Presentation/ Auditorium |
Time |
6:00PM |
24-May |
9th Annual Alumni Banquet |