The United States Air Force’s Heartland Band of America Band will be appearing at Plattsmouth High School on Thursday, February 7, 2008. Doors will open at 6:30 PM and the show will Start at 7:00 PM. The event is being sponsored by the Plattsmouth Journal.
School Activities:
February 8:
Boys JV/Varsity Wrestling- District Tourney @ Skutt
Boys JV Basket Ball – @Gretna – 4:30 PM
Girls JV Basket Ball – @Gretna – 4:30 PM
Girls Varsity Basket Ball – @Gretna – 6:00 PM
Offutt Air Force Base Band Concert 7:00 PM
Boys Varsity Basket Ball – @Gretna – 6:00 PM
February 9:
Boys JV/Varsity Wrestling- District Tourney @ Skutt
Boys JV Basket Ball – Elmwood-Murdock Tournament 10:00 AM
February 12:
Boys JV Basket Ball @ Boys Town 5:45 PM
Boys Varsity Basket Ball @ Boys Town 7:30 PM
February 13:
Red Cross Blood Drive Plattsmouth High School 6:00 AM
February 14:
Boys JV/Varsity Wrestling – State Tournament
Show Choir at UNO 6:00 PM
Girls JV Basketball vs. Omaha Mercy High School 6:00 PM
Girls Varsity Basketball vs. Omaha Mercy High School 7:30 PM
February 15:
Boys JV/Varsity Wrestling – State Tournament
Boys JV Basketball vs. Omaha Gross High School 6:00 PM
Boys Varsity Basketball vs. Omaha Gross High School 7:45 PM
February 16:
Boys JV/Varsity Wrestling – State Tournament
EMC Speech Meet at Gretna 8:00 AM
Boys JV Basketball at Omaha Roncalli High School 3:30 PM
Boys Varsity Basketball at Omaha Roncalli High School 5:00 PM
February 19:
Girls Varsity Basketball B-2 District Tournament at Westside
February 21:
Girls Varsity Basketball B-2 District Tournament at TBA
February 22:
Girls Varsity Basketball B-2 District Tournament at TBA
February 23:
Boys Varsity Basketball B-2 District Tournament at TBA
State Cheerleading at Grand Island 8:00 AM
Plattsmouth Speech Invitational 8:00 AM
February 24:
JROTC Drill Meet at UNO
February 25:
Boys Varsity Basketball B-2 District Tournament
February 26:
Varsity Basketball B-2 District Tournament
February 28:
Girls Varity State Tournament
February 29:
Annual Mr. PHS Contest 7:00 PM
The Plattsmouth Public Library would like to announce that they will be holding an Open Mike Night on Thursday, March 14, 2008 at 7:30 pm. More details to be forth coming soon
The Friends of the Plattsmouth Public Library will be sponsoring their popular monthly Soup Luncheons with the next one being on Thursday, February 14, 2008 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Choose from Italian sausage or broccoli cheese soup for just $5.00 per person. Your meal also includes bread, crackers, choice of desserts, and beverage. Proceeds benefit the many children’s programs at the Library including the Summer Reading Program, Halloween Spooky Story Time, Holiday Party, and other monthly programs at the Library.
The Plattsmouth Public Library would like to announce that they are holding an Xbox360 Tournament on February 23, 2008. The games featured include: Halo 3, Guitar Hero III, Call of Duty 3, Crimson Skies and many more. The tournament will start at 10 a.m., cost is five dollars, which includes lunch. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required, so sign up today!
The Plattsmouth Public Library is holding Chocolate day for area children on February 9, 2008 at 1 p.m. Cost if free and registration is not required. So come on down for a chocolate-y good time!
Plattsmouth Public High School will be hosting its annual Mr. PHS contest on the 29th of February. The theme of this years contest is Southern Reflections. Last year the contest awarded over $1,500 in scholarships and $800 in prizes.
The Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce elected five new board members in December who will be sworn in at the Chamber’s annual banquet later this month. The new members are: Patty Scarlett of CBS Home Real Estate, Jim Row of the Plattsmouth Journal, LeRoy Bower of Antiques Off Main, Dr. Julie Howard of Life Arts & Howard Chiropractic, and Wendy Allen of Groomindales and Bark Ave. Boarding. Brian Harvey of Fusselman-Wymore Funeral Home, the 2007 President, will remain on as past president.
The Local WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program on the 17th at the elementary school was huge success. Over 580 Dads, uncles grandfathers and other male father figures showed up to volunteer their time.
The Plattsmouth City Council will form a special committee to investigate the Plattsmouth Concealed Carry Ordinance. Currently, only police officers are permitted to carry concealed weapons inside city limits.