The new Plattsmouth Community/Senior Center will be the site of the
“Spring Fling” dance on Saturday, April 26, 2008. The dance is being
hosted by the Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce. The band, “Something
New” from Salem, S.D. has been booked to play the dance starting at
8:00 p.m. The band publicity states that they are “a musical ensemble
that could work for people of diverse ages.” There will also be a cash
bar, food, and auction items. Get your tickets ahead of time for only
$10.00 apiece, tickets are $12.50 at the door. Tickets are available at
the Chamber Office, Cass County Bank, Plattsmouth State Bank,
Plattsmouth Journal, Main Street Jewelers, and all chamber board
members. If your business would like to be a dance sponsor, tickets
are included for your employees with the sponsorship level. $500
sponsorship includes 20 tickets and event signage recognition, $300
sponsorship includes 36 tickets, $250 sponsorship includes 15 tickets,
$200 sponsorship includes 24 tickets, and $100, 12 tickets. Please
call the Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce office at 296-6021 for more
Plattsmouth Public Library is holding our very first all-inclusive Halo 3 Clan War tournament this summer on May 31, 2008 utilizing the state-of-the-art Xbox360. The Clan War will be open to teams of four people ages 10 and older. The tournament will take place in the Plattsmouth community center and will begin at 10:00 am and will continue until there is only one team left. Competitors should arrive at lest 15 minutes before start time. All signup sheets must be into the library by May 24, 2008. Prizes will be awarded for the 1st-4th place teams. If you have any question please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 296-4154. Please join with us in giving our communities’ youth a positive summer experience.
Bay Hills Golf Course is hosting Trivia Night every Thursday at 7:00 pm
at the club house. The event is open to the public. Please call
298-8191 for more information.
The Cass County Museum will be hosting their Annual May Basket workshop
for children ages 5 to 10 on Saturday April 26th from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.
The event is open to the public and cost is $1.00 per child.
The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #20 would like to announce the
lodges first “Golf Scramble” May 9th at Bay Hills Golf Course. The
entry fee is $200 per team. Contact Deputy Doug Durban at 297-0535 for
more information.
The new Plattsmouth Community/Senior Center is selling memberships for
use of this beautiful new facility. There is daycare on site for a
small fee while parents are using the equipment. Please call Becky at
402-306-9629 for more information about membership levels and costs.
The Plattsmouth Early Childhood Center located at 902 Main Street is in
the process of taking applications for the upcoming preschool year.
They have a variety of programs available in our center for young
children in Plattsmouth. Call the office at 296-5250 to request and
application from to be mailed or stop by the center to pick one up. We
will be happy to show you the facilities and the options available.
Apply now while openings exist.
Plattsmouth Public Library will be holding their popular Soup Luncheon
April 10th at 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. Cost is $5, a selection of homemade
soups and desserts will be available, and takeouts are welcome. Call
and ahead @ 296-4154 and we will have your order ready!
An Xbox360 Tournament will be held at the Plattsmouth Public Library on
Saturday May 17, 2008. The games featured include: Halo 3, Guitar Hero
III, Call of Duty 3, Crimson Skies and many more. The tournament will
start at 10:00 a.m. and be completed when the winner is crowned. The
cost is only five dollars, which includes lunch. Pre-registration is
encouraged but not required, so sign up today!
USDA Rural Development Representative Judy James will be at the
Plattsmouth Public Library from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm every Thursday as
part of the 502 Direct Home Loan Program. The purpose of the program
is to provide low income people the opportunity to own adequate,
modest, decent, safe and sanitary homes in rural areas. The loans are
to acquire build rehabilitate, improve or relocate dwellings and
provide adequate water and waste disposal systems. Call Judy at
402-423-9683 Ext. 4 for more information or to setup and appointment.
The Plattsmouth Library Book Club will meet May 3rd at 10:00 am. They
will be discussing the book The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. New
members are always welcome even if you have not read the current
The Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce is selling Chamber Bucks at the
Chamber office. Chamber Bucks can be used just like legal tender in
the city of Plattsmouth, come in $5 increments, and make great
birthday, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gifts. Contact the Chamber at
402-296-6021 for more information.
The Murray Fire Fighters are hosting a Texas Hold’em Shoot Out
Tournament on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at the Millard Social Hall,
10508 S. 144th Street, in Omaha. The tournament will be raising funds
to replace the “Jaws of Life” equipment at the fire house. New “Jaws
of Life” are needed due to the age of the current equipment and newer
cars being more difficult to enter. Participants need to be at least
19 years old and the Fire Department is requesting a minimum donation
of $50. Murray Firefighter Steve Gdovic said there will food, drinks,
and raffle prizes. He encourages spectators as well as players to
attend. The Grand Prize will be his/her choice of a one year lease on
a 2008 Jetta or a two year lease on a 2008 Mazda3. Tournament players
are limited to the first 300 registered and are provided with two drink
coupons and food. Please call Steve Gdovic at 402-235-3040 for more
information. Registrations may be sent to Murray Fire/Rescue, C/O Steve
Gdovic 1124 Beaver Lake Blvd, Plattsmouth NE 68048.
Kindergarten Round Up was held Thursday, March 27, 2008, at the
Plattsmouth Elementary School. Approximately 135 students were
registered for next year’s Kindergarten class. Parents, siblings, and
new students were welcomed by the Principals, Kindergarten teachers,
school secretaries, and support staff for the coming year. Everyone
was treated to dinner with a choice of Italian Dunkers or Mini Corn
Dogs in the school cafeteria. There were two orientation and
information meetings in the Library hosted by Mrs. Morrison and Mrs.
Peden which were very helpful in being prepared for the school year.
The representatives for Girl’s State were chosen by the Hugh Kerns,
Post 56 American Legion Auxiliary for the conference held June 1,
2008-June 7, 2008, in Lincoln. Dana Hansen and BreiAnne Wagner with
alternates, Marcy Heim and Amy Kerns being accepted as the Plattsmouth
delegates. Tina Hartman was selected from Weeping Water American
Legion Auxiliary Unit 237 as their delegate. This is a big honor to be
selected for this worthy program which runs nationwide for students who
have demonstrated their interest in government and are leaders
locally. Congratulations to all the delegates!
Mahoney State Park is presenting The Platte River Art Show, hosted by
Prairie Images. The show is in the Peter Kiewit Lodge in the park on
Saturday, April 5, 2008, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, April
6, 2008, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The collection contains many
different mediums and artists. Artists from various states will be
offering works for sale and as part of the display. This “Fine Arts
Celebration” includes wildlife, portraits, Native American, Southwest,
and cityscape works among others. The park is located at I-80 Exit 426
and a park entry permit is required. Their website is .