Jake Parsons (left) and Ben Severson (right)
Congratulations to Plattsmouth High School Seniors Jake Parsons and Ben Severson for taking 1st place in Duet acting at the district speech meet and qualifying for the State Speech Tournament. Other state qualifiers are:
Lizz Bradbury, 3rd Place – Humorous Prose
Steven Applegate, 3rd Place – Extemporaneous Speaking
Robert Friedman, 3rd Place – Persuasive Speaking
Robert Friedman, 3rd Place – Informative Speaking
Congratulations to all the qualifiers and good luck at State!
The Plattsmouth Public Library Gaming Council will be meeting at 10:00 am in the library auditorium. All senior council members must be in attendance.
The Plattsmouth Public Library is looking for artistic individuals to participate in our Mentor with and Artist children’s program. Please call Kirsten at 296-4154 for more information
The Plattsmouth Early Childhood Center located at 902 Main Street is in the process of taking applications for the upcoming preschool year. We have a variety of programs available in our center for young children in Plattsmouth. Call the office at 296-5250 to request and application from to be mailed or stop by the center to pick one up. We will be happy to show you the facilities and the options available. Apply now while openings exist.
Plattsmouth Public Library is holding an After Hours Open Mike Night Friday March 14th from 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. in the Library Auditorium. Any family friendly performance acts of at least 5-10 minutes in length are welcome. Snacks will be served. Registration Requested but Walk-Ins Welcome! Call Josh or Kirsten @ 296-4154 to register or with questions!
Plattsmouth Public Library will be holding their popular Soup Luncheon March 13th at 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. Cost is $5, a selection of homemade soups and desserts will be available, and takeouts are welcome. Call and ahead @ 296-4154 and we will have your order ready!
An Xbox360 Tournament will be held at the Plattsmouth Public Library on Saturday March 22, 2008. The games featured include: Halo 3, Guitar Hero III, Call of Duty 3, Crimson Skies and many more. The tournament will start at 10:00 a.m. and be completed when the winner is crowned. The cost is only five dollars, which includes lunch. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required, so sign up today!
The First Lutheran Ladies Guild is holding a rummage sale from Thursday, March 13th until Saturday March 15th at the First Lutheran Church located at 1025 Ave D in Plattsmouth. The hours are:
Friday, March 14th – 9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Saturday, March 15th – 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
The Plattsmouth Community Center would like to announce the following program for children ages 3-5:
- Boogie Woogie: this class is to help your toddler develop motor skills, rhythm, song and beginning social skills. There is also gym activities involved. Class meets Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:30 a.m.-11:30 am for seven weeks.
- Fitness fun: Children will be playing in the gym working on motor skills. The children will play age appropriate games and learn to play with others. The class will meet Tuesdays & Thursdays 11 a.m.-12 p.m. for seven weeks.
- Play-N-Wave: Children must be potty trained for this class. Half the class is spent in the gym and the other half is spent in the water. This class will meet M/W/F 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. for seven weeks
And also the following personal training packages (each class will be limited to five participants):
- Group Personal Training Weights: This group will meet in Mondays and Wednesday at 9:15 am in the Wellness Area. You will work with a personal trainer to set up a weight training routine that will give you fast results. This program lasts for seven weeks.
- Group Personal Training Cardio: This group will meet Mondays and Wednesday at 10:10 am. This seven week class will improve and maintain your cardiovascular health. This specialty class is great if you are training for a long distance event or if you are just getting started.
- Group Personal Training Core: This group will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:15 a.m. The focus of this group is to help strengthen and develop your abs, back and gluts. This class will not be limited to mat exercise and lasts for seven weeks.
- Body Evaluation: This program will meet Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 10:10 a.m. for a combination weight training and cardio program and on Fridays you will meet with a nutritionist. This class is taught for seven weeks.
For more information and pricing call Becky at 402-306-9629
USDA Rural Development Representative Judy James will be at the Plattsmouth Public Library from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm every Thursday as part of the 502 Direct Home Loan Program. The purpose of the program is to provide low income people the opportunity to own adequate, modest, decent, safe and sanitary homes in rural areas. The loans are to acquire, build, rehabilitate, improve, or relocate dwellings and provide adequate water and waste disposal systems. Call Judy at 402-423-9683 Ext. 4 for more information or to setup and appointment.

The Plattsmouth Library Book Club will meet April 5th at 10 am. They will be discussing the book 84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff. Plan for two hours as we will be watching the movie before we discuss the book in the Library Auditorium on the big screen.
Thursday, March 27, 2008, the Plattsmouth Community Center is hosting the second of the Extension Senior Series sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension. This month’s topic will be Brain-Healthy Life Choices. The Program will start at 12:30 pm and pre-registration is not required. For more information please call Mary Ann Holland at 402-267-2205.

The Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce is selling Chamber Bucks at the Chamber office. Chamber Bucks can be used just like legal tender in the city of Plattsmouth, come in $5 increments, and make great birthday, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gifts. Contact the Chamber at 402-296-6021 for more information.
Last weeks article featured a picture of Justin Allen at the State Wrestling Competition. The photo was taken by the Plattsmouth Journal and was not attributed as such.