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“Back to School” is the emphasis at the library and this column this week. This summer seems to have gone even faster than normal to me. When I mentioned that thought to one of our library kids, she said it was because it was a stormy summer and we were not able to do as much outside. I thought that was a very “spot on” assessment and told her so, especially for kids who were not able to swim, bike, or just be outside as much.

Personally, I think just knowing my last child is starting kindergarten has made this summer seem even shorter than before.  I shared a book in storytime this week that seemed to express exactly how I was feeling. It is called, “Let Me Hold You Longer” and is written by Karen Kingsbury.   The beginning pages talk about the focus on first things but then she says,

“But one day you will move away and leave me to your past, 
And I will be thinking of a lifetime of your lasts….”

“One last adventure to the park, your final midday nap,
The last time you wore your favorite faded baseball cap.”

“I’ve watched you grow and barely noticed seasons as they pass,
If I could freeze the hands of time,
I’d hold onto your lasts.”

“For come some bright fall morning, you’ll be going far away.
College life will beckon in a brilliant sort of way.
One last hug, one last good-bye,
One quick and hurried kiss.
One last time to understand just how much you’ll be missed.
I’ll watch you leave and think how fast our time together passed.”

Kingsbury, K. (2004).  Let Me Hold You Longer.  Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers.

So, on that note, here are the first days of school or “last days” of vacation for the area schools.

Plattsmouth Community Schools have staggered first days of school. 

Friday, August 15:         Grades 5-9        Middle and High School
Monday, August 18:    Grades 1-4        Elementary School
Tuesday, August 19:    Kindergarten    Elementary School
Monday, August 25:    Pre-School        Early Childhood Center

St. John the Baptist School (located at 500 S. 18th Street in Plattsmouth) starts on Wednesday, August 20 for Kindergarten through 8th grade.

Conestoga School System starts on Thursday, August 21 for elementary, middle, and high schools.

The annual drive for school supplies at the Plattsmouth Public Library was again successful with library staff taking the needed items to the Social Services office on Monday, August 11.  Thank you to everyone who donated much needed items to benefit the kids of our community.

With school starting again for the older kids, Storytime for toddlers and pre-schoolers will again be Monday-Friday at 10:00 a.m. downstairs in the children’s area.  The theme for August 18-August 22 is “Starting School.”   Among the books featured will be, “Countdown To Kindergarten”, by Alison McGhee, “The Awful Aardvarks Go To School”, by Reeve Lindbergh, and “My School’s a Zoo”, by Stu Smith.  No pre registration is required, please call Kirsten at 296-4154 if you have questions.

September is National Library Card Sign Up Month with basketball great Kareem Abdul Jabbar being the Honorary Chair as announced by the American Library Association.   Abdul-Jabbar said, “The library has always been my own personal time machine.  I can walk through the doors and land in any place, any time period in history. I didn’t have to wonder what their worlds were like; I could experience it firsthand.”  Since its inception in 1987, thousands of public and school libraries have participated in this program to make sure every child has access to their library.

In support of this program, The Plattsmouth Public Library is pleased to offer to all elementary, middle school, and high school students in Cass County who live outside the city limits may purchase a card for the school year for $5.00.  The student needs to be at least 6 years old to obtain a card.  The student card will be valid from September 1, 2008 to June 1, 2009 at the Plattsmouth Public Library.  What better way to start your student off for a successful year then with a library card for research projects, reading assignments, and recreational reading.  If you have any questions about this program, please call 296-4154.  

Also in anticipation of the school year, new non fiction books are being added to juvenile collection including a new state book series on the individual states.

The staff at the library is very excited about the new school year and looking forward to assisting our local students for a great year.  We wish everyone a successful and enjoyable school year!