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Happy New Year-2009!!!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and are ready to kick off the New Year! 

The Plattsmouth High School has an organization called the Parent School Network which I discovered by looking at the Plattsmouth Community Schools website @    I emailed the Principal, Jeff Wiles, for more information on this important group because I thought it is a great idea.  As the website points out, being involved at the high school level is just as important as when your kids are younger.  What a great way to do that by meeting other parents and the faculty at the high school to be informed.

The Parent School Network meets on the fourth Monday of the month at the high school. Attendance varies from month to month but there have been up to 20 parents.  To quote Mr. Wiles, “We are trying to improve communication, inform parents about current issues between the school and the parents.  We also want to have parents more active in their students education. Our meetings thus far have included dual credit vs AP classes, counseling, college, and careers. The January 26 meeting will focus on things that the organization can do to help parents get through high school.”

One of their big events is an open house on April 29, 2009 for incoming 9th grade parents as on orientation to the high school experience.

If you have any questions about the meetings or the organization, please call Mr. Wiles at 296-3322, extension 2153 or his email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Plattsmouth Elementary School PTO also meets monthly in the school media center.
The next meeting is Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.  An indoor carnival has been planned for February 27, 2009 so the meeting will be about finalizing the plans.  All parents are welcome to attend. 

Congratulations to Roger Wehrbein, (former State Senator) for being named Rotary Club’s Nebraskan of the Year!   Mr. Wehrbein has also served as Cass County Commissioner, on the Cass County Fair Board, Southeast Nebraska Economic Development Committee.  He is a successful family farmer and been active in several agricultural associations.  He is also a Nebraska Hall of Agriculture Achievement honoree.   A Plattsmouth native, he is a member of the Plattsmouth Rotary Club. 

On a personal note, I have asked him to volunteer as a story reader for various library functions and he always says yes.  Not only does he say yes, but he does a great job of connecting with the kids and making the story meaningful.  This honor is well deserved and well earned!

Good Luck to Garrett Cadotte, 13,  of  Plattsmouth who will be swimming in the Midwest All Star Swim Invite in Lawrence, KS on January 17, 2009.  Garrett will be swimming in the breaststroke and butterfly competitions in the meet.